Breathwork im Agnesviertel

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Entspannung, Wellness

Wellness in Köln - Innenstadt Breathwork has the potential to relieve stress and to help release old energy blockages as well as get rid of self-sabotaging patterns and negative self-narratives. Our emotions control our breathing, but our breathing also controls our emotions. Through Binaural sounds, music tuned to 432 hrz, and subliminal hypnotic suggestion, we are able to breakthrough the old limited self-beliefs that are constantly bringing us down. They are calling Breathwork the new Yoga. Come ready to experience a new part of you that needs attention. #BreathworkimAgnesviertel


The opening hours depend on the course times / agreed appointments or are not known. You can find more information on the partner website.


S-Mitglieder können im Rahmen ihres Kontingents von 4 Mal im Monat auch Breathwork im Agnesviertel besuchen. M-Mitglieder können 4 Mal pro Monat Breathwork im Agnesviertel besuchen. L- und XL-Mitglieder können 8 Mal pro Monat Breathwork im Agnesviertel besuchen.

Wichtige Informationen:

Das Rote Haus im Hinterhof Neusser Wall 14B

Jetzt ab 24,00 € starten

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