7 Waves Surf Guest House


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Surf na Costa da Caparica - Lisboa. We are an awesome surf hostel, located outside of Lisbon in the sunny Costa da Caparica. This family-owned hostel is the realization of lifelong dreams and long-term experience hosting couch surfers, teaching surf lessons, giving tours, and offering great times to fellow travellers in the Lisbon area. You can enjoy a Portuguese paradise at our beautiful red house, located only a 3 minute walk from the beach. Downtown Costa is just a short bike-ride or a leisurely walk away. We are also close to amazing natural areas like Arrabida that are great for hiking or tours. Ricardo, owner: I am a really friendly and social person. I like to share experiences and to have good conversations. I love art, make tattoos and graffiti, and of course to surf!! I speak Portuguese, English and Spanish fluently. During high season I have so much to do, and sometimes hostel ownership can get very stressful, but I always try my best to be a good host. I am very upfront and honest, and appreciate the same back.


Seg - Dom 08:00 - 00:00


Membros L podem participar nas aulas em 7 Waves Surf Guest House 4x por mês. Membros XL podem participar nas aulas em 7 Waves Surf Guest House 8x por mês.

Wichtige Informationen:

Por favor, faz a tua marcação com uma antecedência mínima de 24 horas por WhatsApp, através do contacto +351919887423. Ao efetuar a marcação deves incluir o teu número de membro do Urban Sports Club. Se não puderes comparecer, deves cancelar a marcação com pelo menos 12 horas de antecedência. Caso contrário a visita será deduzida dos teus limites mensais e será cobrada uma taxa adicional.

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