Dancing in Neuköln _ENTRANCE THROUGH THE CAFÉ Of GROOVE. _BOOTY THERAPY is an Afro-Feminist Dance concept and movement create in 1996 by the Franco-Malian Artist and Activist Maimouna Coulibaly. (**) Through this concept we claim to accept ourselves as we are, to accept our physique, to accept our history, to understand our emotions and to release them in a healthy and safe space, surrounded by caring people. This concept is ment for everyone; - women, men and all gender minorities., for all buttocks: small, medium, large, flat, rounded;- HOWEVER this class is reserved for FLINTA*(*) With Booty Therapy, Shake all your Worries Away!! *The acronym FLINTA* stands for: female, lesbian, inter, non-binary, trans and agender people. The * highlights all gender and non-gender. **Every Instructor teaching under the BOOTY THERAPY concept, are in a Franchise Contract with the creator of the concept: Maimouna Coulibaly. _DiValentine is a French multidisciplinary Artist and Activist. She graduated the European Theater Institute in Berlin in 2018 and is a Booty Therapy Instructor since 2019.
Die Öffnungszeiten hängen von den Kurszeiten / vereinbarten Terminen ab oder sind nicht bekannt. Weitere Informationen findest du auf der Partner-Webseite.
M-Mitglieder können 4 Mal pro Monat an den Kursen von Booty Therapy -with DiValentine teilnehmen L & XL-Mitglieder können 8 Mal pro Monat an den Kursen von Booty Therapy -with DiValentine teilnehmen
What you need to shake with us: 1. A Booty of any kind, Form and Shape 2. Clothes you feel comfortable in, that are loose around the PumPum 3. Knees Protections if you have and want them 4. A water bottle 5. Glitter, feathers, make up, costumes or such if you feel fancy. Please Try to be there 5-10 min before start If you are late, enter changed and with full energy but take time for your body to warm up so you do not get injured. Please remember to register by the Instructor at the start or end of class. General Class rules: We want to provide a safe space where everyone can be and express themselves - Respect your self and others - Do not film during the class without asking for consent.
Der nächste Kurs ist alternativ am
Dienstag 1. April