Yoga in Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg A functional approach to yoga and a hypnotic shavasana in and a cozy, intimate atmosphere (max 8). The functional approach to yoga is about embracing and celebrating anatomical diversity. By focusing on the benefits of each pose, and on what you feel, rather than how you look, the practice is about exploring variations that honor our diversity and allow us to connect deeper with our bodies. Renata is a seasoned yoga instructor and hypnotist who loves to blend f ancient philosophies with modern psychology, neuroscience and somatic experiencing.
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M-Mitglieder können 4 Mal pro Monat das HeileHaus besuchen. L & XL-Mitglieder können 8 Mal pro Monat das HeileHaus besuchen.
To finds us: Please go to the backyard, and enter through the door on your left side (a few steps are at the front of the door). We are on the second floor, on the left side. If the door outside to the street is closed, call 0176 856 24465
Der nächste Kurs ist alternativ am
Montag 31. März