Roz Holistic & Esoteric - Rossio

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Massage, Yoga

Holistic Therapy and Approach to an authentic Self Awareness. A SoulBalm that combines holistic health & aesthetic treatment, it's a premium Wellness Service, rooted in Ayurveda in a Personalized Multidimensional approach, treating the cause and promoting greater physical, mental, emotional and energetic well-being. Natural, bio and organic products suitable for each treatment and bio type. Consulting the available services and experience this science of Ancestral life can provide, we recommend taking the therapies in the order listed of treatment and keeping to one therapy per sitting. Ideally appointments are scheduled closely together for best results as weekly sessions or with greater gap as suits you best.


The opening hours depend on the course times / agreed appointments or are not known. You can find more information on the partner website.

Wichtige Informationen:

IMPORTANTE INFO: A) 1 PERSON PER SESSION - LGBT FRIENDLY - EXTRA SANITATION CLEAN B) Packs and Other full services are available - Whatsapp me : +351911560727

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