Chen Family Gongfu - CARO

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Qi Gong en Tai Chi, Traditionele Aziatische Vechtsporten

Traditionelle Kampfkunst in Friedrichshain Our Taijiquan practice is made of a wide range of exercises and a large part is done solo. Solo work consists of warm-up exercises, qigong, drills, footwork (bu fa) exercises, standing exercises, body-centered meditation and also two bare hand forms (yi lu and er lu, first and second form). The first form is the core of our training. This sequence of movements can be considered as a compendium of techniques which are to be learned gradually. It is also the student's base material to learn good habits in terms of movement, as well as an ideal testing ground for our body method. Indeed Taiji has strict but meaningful physical requirements and principles which give depth to simple actions like standing or walking. The other part of training consists of partner exercises, mainly tuishou ("push hands" and its many routines) and martial applications. Contrary to popular belief, taiji training is not all about relaxation. In the beginning, relaxation is important and a prerequisite for joint mobility. However, if you want to continue working towards gongfu (long learned skill), the newly learned opening of the joints must lead to a tensile tissue structure as well as full-body strength and forces. The training can here become more strenuous and the concept of relaxation takes on a new meaning. So at all levels the training can be adapted according to the physical condition, the needs and the goals of the student. Basic training focuses on postural alignment and coordination. It helps building the necessary structure and can boost proprioception, stability and concentration. At the same time we work on creating connections throughout the body, slowly integrating all parts into a whole, and building a core strength that allows a shenfa (body mechanics) to take place. We want to subtly mould and train the body in order to 1) stay rooted and connected at all times 2) generate power 3) handle incoming power (from an opponent for instance) You're welcome to try it out and see if this is for you. Taiji can have immediate benefits that can only become long term with a consistent practice. Gaining real skills is the result of a lifelong commitment to the practice.


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