Sweat Body - vea studio

Pilates, Tanzen

Dancing in Neukölln & Kreuzberg POST-PERFECTION-PILATES 🍑 MFS + ELDOA 🦴 SWEAT BODY 💦 with Grace Farmer Train your mind + body with high energy group classes that work with strength, freedom and connection.

Andere Standorte:



The opening hours depend on the course times / agreed appointments or are not known. You can find more information on the partner website.


M-Mitglieder können 4 Mal pro Monat an den Kursen von Sweat Body - Vea Studio teilnehmen. L-Mitglieder können 8 Mal pro Monat an den Kursen von Sweat Body - Vea Studio teilnehmen. XL-Mitglieder können 8 Mal pro Monat an den Kursen von Sweat Body - Vea Studio teilnehmen.

Wichtige Informationen:

💛 Ring for Vea Studio + come through to the back yard 💙 We have mats + equipment at the studio free for you to use 🧡 If you come with your bike, be sweet to our neighbours and lock it up in the hinterhof and NOT in front of the studio, thanks. 💜 You can arrive 10 minutes before the class starts. Please don't be late or you won't be able to join 💚 We have a unisex changing room, 1 toilet, no shower. 💛 Sweat Body is a DANCE AEROBICS class 💜Dress comfortably to move and feel free to be cute! 🧡Bring water and a sweat towel if you want 💙Practice clean boundaries & bodily agency and respect, for yourself and everyone you are sharing the space with

Jetzt ab 24,00 € starten

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    Donnerstag 27. März