Yo-Jo, Yoga with José

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Yoga in Köln - Deutz My name is José. After going around Spain, UK and France I finally landed in Germany 11 years ago, where I still remain. I came to yoga in a very banal way. After many years of strength training, I wanted to recover the flexibility I had lost with age. However, the reasons why I remained in yoga and completed to path to teach yoga to others are way beyond that. What I find fascinating about yoga is the exploration of ranges of motion of our body to which we are not accustomed in your daily life. Thanks to it, we can go beyond the limits of our body imposed by our sedentary life and really take control of it. And through this mastering of our body, we can go further and gaining control of our minds as well, achieving a union between body and mind. Thanks to the mat I have learnt many skills which I transfer to my daily life, which is where I believe the true yoga begins. Indeed I find yoga a great complement to my other professional activity, lab head in quantum chemistry.

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Mittwoch: 20:00 - 21:30


M-Mitglieder können 4x pro Monat an den Kursen von Yo-Jo, Yoga with José teilnehmen L- & XL-Mitglieder können 8x pro Monat an den Kursen von Yo-Jo, Yoga with José teilnehmen

Wichtige Informationen:

Please be aware that the course will be given in English. Moreover, participants should bring their own yoga mat. Buche deinen Kurs direkt über die Urban Sports Club App! Bitte beachte, dass dies eine verbindliche Buchung ist, und die Stornierungsfrist eingehalten werden muss. Die jeweilige Stornierungsfrist wird bei der Buchung angezeigt. Andernfalls wird dir der Besuch von deinem monatlichen Besuchslimit abgezogen und in Rechnung gestellt. Hinweis: Der Check-In Prozess über den QR Code bleibt vor Ort weiterhin unverändert.

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