Salzhain - Private Salz Session


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Wellness und Yoga in Friedrichshain We are Salzhain = SALZ in FriedrichsHAIN. We opened back in 2014 offering daily salt sessions and under new ownership in 2019 we expanded into offering courses alongside our normal salt sessions. When things got rough during the pandemic we expanded into a shop offering awesome products as well as our own line of products made directly here in Friedrichshain. The pandemic not only helped to shed light on the importance of respiratory health but also on the significance of good air quality and how our environment and the air we breathe can either work for us or work against us. Our concept has always been to provide you with pure air concentrated with tiny salt and water particles which we believe are crucial to body and mind restoration and overall health and wellbeing.  With that said we are NOT a yoga studio or a fitness studio, nor are we a sauna or spa. We are foremost a saltroom with a dry salt aerosol which focuses on the concept of Sole Inhalation. If you are German then you probably use the term Salzgrotte, Soleoase, or Soleinhalationsraum. If you aren't German, then you probably can't even pronounce these words which is why we just like to use Saltroom or Salzraum.  We have 3 saltrooms with over 15 tons of salt. And yes, there is salt everywhere! Salt on the floor...larger saltstones on the walls...salt sprayed onto the walls...and most importantly- microscopic particles in the air which we breathe. We live and breathe salt... literally!  We practice the art of Sole Inhalation also known as room inhalation or salt inhalation which in a broader term is referred to as salt therapy. Salt therapy is categorized as alternative medicine by the medical community, however inhalation is actually complimentary- meaning it falls outside the scope of conventional medicine yet can be used alongside conventional medicine in the treatment of disease or illness. Sole Inhalation is drugfree and noninvasive, safe for all ages, without any common side effects. We view inhalation as the first option rather than the alternative. And if you are now completely confused reading all this then please feel free to google 'Soleinhalation' and Google will show you articles going more into depth on this practice of breathing in 'salt air'.  We use ultrasonic nebulization to generate a very fine, dry 'salt air' or aerosol. This type of inhalation is called wet inhalation because we use water in this process, however the air or aerosol being generated is dry and not wet. There are tiny water particles deing dispersed into the room to raise the humidity levels however these particles are small enough that you do not get wet in this environment. A saltwater vapor will form what we call our salt air, which resembles a fog. However, this 'fog' is much more than a fog and the most important aspects to this air are actually not even visible to the human eye. For our sessions we use a purer form of salt called halite. Halite salt crystals in their purest forms are referred to as diamond salt not only for how they look but also for their value. Halite salt is mined from salt deposits in Pakistan which experts estimate to be between 200 to 300 millions of years old! Halite salt is in our opinion the best salt for inhalation because it preserves all of its natural properties while remaining minimally processed and does not contain heavy metals or microplastics such as modern sea salts.  Inhalation is most beneficial when practiced more often as preventative care, before the onset of symptoms and before 'illness'. Sole Inhalation or saline inhalation helps to keep our body's defense mechanisms in check and operating at their best which in turn can protect us from becoming ill in the first place. Salt air is not only beneficial to respiratory care but also can aid in various skin issues as the skin absorbs the sodium chloride as well.  Salt therapy is the combination of two practices: Inhalation AND relaxation. We have built our rooms to provide for a deeper level of comfort and relaxation due to the natural rock(inclusion of nature) along with warm, dimmed lighting( hues of yellow, orange, red). A studio or Sauna is in this case not comparable. Another side note to saunas and spas is that they work with warm air or hot air and salt therapy is working with cooler air. The temperature in the room is held at 20-22 degrees but due to the salt air it is common for the room to feel much colder than it actually is. 

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Dieser Standort ist Teil des Plus-Angebots: L-Mitglieder können standortübergreifend bis zu 4 Mal pro Monat für eine Plus-Aktivität einchecken. Zusätzlich gelten unten stehende Besuchslimits für diesen Standort. XL-Mitglieder können standortübergreifend bis zu 8 Mal pro Monat für eine Plus-Aktivität einchecken. Zusätzlich gelten unten stehende Besuchslimits für diesen Standort. XL-Mitglieder können insgesamt 4 Mal pro Monat das Salzhain - Private Salz-Session besuchen.

Belangrijke Informatie:

Diese Sessions sind nur für XL Mitglieder im Angebot. Wir bieten 7 Tage der Woche unsere Salz Sessions an. Am besten reservierst du direkt bei uns online auf mit unserem Buchungssystem. Weil die Sessions privat sind, haben wir hier wenig Kapazität. Sie können online bei uns einen Termin buchen weil dort sehen Sie zu welcher Zeiten wir geöffnet sind. Du kannst auch ein Kind Session buchen und mit 1 Kind kommen. Wenn du eine Session alleine buchst sind Kinder natürlich nicht im Raum mit dir. Wenn du mit Kind kommst, kannst du auswählen ob du alleine sein willst oder mit anderen Familien im Großraum sein willst. Hinweis: Der Check-In Prozess über den QR Code bleibt vor Ort weiterhin unverändert.

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