HolisticTouch - Schlesisches Tor


Plus check-ins are a new category. Depending on your membership, you can use up to 4 or 8 of them per month. Learn more in our FAQ

Massage in Berlin Kreuzberg In Western countries, we often lead stressful lives full of appointments and constant pressure to perform. Necessary breaks are rarely taken, as they are often seen as a sign of weakness. This can lead to an imbalance between mind, body, and soul, which may manifest in the outbreak of illnesses. Holistic treatments offer a way to restore harmony between mind, body, and soul. On the physical level, the body is treated, but this also affects the other levels. While in the Western world, extensive knowledge of anatomy forms the basis for treatment, in Asia, therapies and spirituality are strongly connected. Massages are seen as an extension of meditation practice and were traditionally offered in temples. Besides the technique, the state of consciousness with which it is performed is particularly important. You can feel the difference when someone is truly “present” or mentally planning their next vacation. The massage can be extended to 60 minutes (+40€) or 90 minutes (+65€). A longer treatment time is recommended as it allows for a more complete treatment and deeper relaxation. For more information, visit my website holistictouch.org Please use the following link to make a booking: https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=32636436

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Den genauen Kursplan findest du auf der Website des Partners

Visit Limits:

Dieser Standort ist Teil des Plus-Angebots: L-Mitglieder können standortübergreifend bis zu 4 Mal pro Monat für eine Plus-Aktivität einchecken. Zusätzlich gelten unten stehende Besuchslimits für diesen Standort. XL-Mitglieder können standortübergreifend bis zu 8 Mal pro Monat für eine Plus-Aktivität einchecken. Zusätzlich gelten unten stehende Besuchslimits für diesen Standort L-Mitglieder können standortübergreifend und im Rahmen ihrer Plus Check-ins ein Mal pro Monat einen 30-minütigen Massagetermin vereinbaren. XL-Mitglieder können standortübergreifend und im Rahmen ihrer Plus Check-ins 2 Mal pro Monat einen 30-minütigen Massagetermin vereinbaren. Die Massageeinheiten können nicht miteinander kombiniert werden.

Important Info:

Please use the following link to make a booking: https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=32636436 For the treatment please bring loose fitting cloth.

Begin now from 24,00 €

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