Green Nest Studio

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Pilates, Yoga

O Green Nest Studio está a aguardar a tua visita! Our studio inspired by Nature is created for everyone who is looking for a space for yoga/pilates practice and personal growth. We welcome all levels of practitioners, from beginners to the advanced.

Horario de apertura:

The opening hours depend on the course times / agreed appointments or are not known. You can find more information on the partner website.

Límite de visitas:

Membros M podem visitar Green Nest Studio 4x por mês. Os Membros L e XL podem visitar Green Nest Studio 8x por mês.

Información importante:

The studio is fully-equipped including yoga mats, blocks, belts or bolsters, so you do not need to bring anything, unless you prefer to use your own props, of course. You can also bring a water bottle, however we always offer jars with water to refresh. If you tend to sweat a lot, especially in power classes, a small towel will come in handy. For more details and frequently asked questions about first class, see more details on If you have any questions before your class, please reach out through email (, Instagram (, or Facebook (

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