Interkulturelles Theaterzentrum Berlin

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Autodefensa moderna

Traditional Asian, Martial Arts & ModernSelf Defence in Neukölln Is it theater? Is it martial arts? The fighting fools practice the skill to act and react in unknown situations physically and verbally in order to de-or-escalate. In our understanding self defense requires the ability and freedom “to make a scene “. Here in our short weekly workshops you learn in a friendly familiar and save surrounding self defense moves for the stage and kick ass theater skills for the streets. We train motions with emotional qualities equally by training fighting sequences in a theatrical playful way. You will improve your body mechanics , speed of reaction , timing and calmness of mind in a humorous tragic fun way, also notice a growth of self-esteem. Mostly every Tuesday 19:15-20:45 Schudomastr 32 12055 Berlin @thefightingfools

Horario de apertura:

Martes: 19:00 - 21:00

Límite de visitas:

S-Mitglieder können im Rahmen ihres Kontingents von 4 Mal im Monat auch an Kursen von House of fools teilnehmen M-Mitglieder können 4 Mal pro Monat an den Kursen von House of fools teilnehmen L & XL-Mitglieder können 8 Mal pro Monat an den Kursen von House of fools teilnehmen

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