Leipzig Yoga Collective


Yoga in Leipzig Leipzig Yoga Collective is a yoga and healing arts space aiming to provide tools for physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. Our objective is to be a place where everyone in the community can come together - free of judgement - to better this world starting from within. If we as individuals practice self-love and self-care, we will become better, more self aware versions of ourselves, leading to a stronger community. We welcome everyBODY and hope to heal alongside you.

Horario de apertura:

The opening hours depend on the course times / agreed appointments or are not known. You can find more information on the partner website.

Límite de visitas:

M-Mitglieder können 4 Mal pro Monat an den Kursen von Leipzig Yoga Collective teilnehmen L & XL -Mitglieder können 8 Mal pro Monat an den Kursen von Leipzig Yoga Collective teilnehmen

Información importante:

Arrive AT LEAST 5-10 minutes before class start to allow yourself to get settled. In respect to everyones experience we do not allow late entry and will lock doors at class begin. The entrance is on Konstantinstraße - Unser Eingang ist auf Konstantinstraße.

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