Salon Incanto

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Danza, Pilates

Yoga, Pilates & Tanzen in Schöneberg The studio Salon Incanto is located in Berlin-Friedrichshain. The studio La Bohème artistique is located in Berlin-Schöneberg. Salon Incanto you will find on the 1st floor, front building. Ring the doorbell Nr 8 to enter! Please bring your own yoga mat. Please arrive in time, to get changed and ready before the class. Do not knock on the door or ring the bell after class started 🙏🏾. (You wouldn't want to be interrupted neither ;) Come back next time) Thank you. Any questions to: [email protected] More information and classes:

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Horario de apertura:

The opening hours depend on the course times / agreed appointments or are not known. You can find more information on the partner website.

Límite de visitas:

M-Mitglieder können 4x pro Monat an den Kursen von Salon Incanto teilnehmen L & XL-Mitglieder können 8x pro Monat an den Kursen von Salon Incanto teilnehmen

Información importante:

The studio Salon Incanto is located in Berlin-Friedrichshain. The studio La Bohème artistique is located in Berlin-Schöneberg. Salon Incanto you will find on the 1st floor, front building. Ring the doorbell Nr 8 to enter! Please bring your own yoga mat! Please arrive in time, to get changed and ready before the class. No entrance after the class has started 🙏🏾 Any questions to: [email protected] More information and classes:

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