Grounded in Cologne


Yoga in Köln - Mülheim As an English speaker in Cologne, I struggled my first few years here to find yoga classes in English. While I've found many amazing teachers whose classes I enjoy in German, I know there's something especially relaxing about attending a yoga class in a language you're more familiar with. Based on this experience, my love of teaching yoga, and my desire to build even more vibrant community in this wonderful neighborhood of Mülheim, I decided to start Grounded in Cologne. I now offer a variety of yoga classes at Soul Yoga Studio on Mülheimer-Freiheit in Köln Mülheim. (If you're looking for yoga classes in German in Mülheim, I highly recommend checking out Soul Yoga!) The studio offers an intimate environment where yogis can work on the parts of their practice that are important to them, expand their relationship with yoga, and meet other yogis in the neighborhood. I look forward to having you in class!

Heures d'ouverture :

Die Öffnungszeiten hängen von den Kurszeiten / vereinbarten Terminen ab oder sind nicht bekannt. Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf der Partner-Website.

Limites de participation :

M-Mitglieder können 4 Mal pro Monat an den Kursen von Grounded in Cologne @Soul Yoga Studio in Köln Mülheim teilnehmen. L- & XL-Mitglieder können 8 Mal pro Monat an den Kursen von Grounded in Cologne @Soul Yoga Studio in Köln Mülheim teilnehmen.

Informations importantes :

The studio is at Mülheimer Freiheit 128, 51063 Cologne. To the right of the windows is a door where you'll see the doorbell for Soul Yoga, which you can ring if the door isn't already open. Wear clothes that are comfortable to stretch in. Mats, props and water are available at the studio. Just bring your curiosity and an open mind. All classes are taught in English.

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