Karuṇā at Yoga Stübchen

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Yoga in Berlin Karuṇā means compassion, for others and most importantly with yourself. Let's embark together on a journey to (re)connect with your body and breath, and through movement improve our physical, mental and spiritual health. You don't need any prior yoga knowledge, the studio is for everyone!

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Heures d'ouverture :

Lundi: 20:00 - 21:00 Vendredi: 18:30 - 19:30

Limites de participation :

M-Mitglieder können 4 Mal pro Monat an den Kursen von Karuna Yogashala teilnehmen L-Mitglieder können 8 Mal pro Monat an den Kursen von Karuna Yogashala teilnehmen XL-Mitglieder können 8 Mal pro Monat an den Kursen von Karuna Yogashala teilnehmen

Informations importantes :

Book directly through Urban Sportsclub. Please note that it is a binding booking, and the cancellation deadline will be displayed when booking. Check our Instagram @karunayogashala_ for day to day updates and promo.

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