African Contemporary dance by Simone Heijloo: Dancer, teacher, choreographer, dance therapist and movement coach.
The opening hours depend on the course times / agreed appointments or are not known. You can find more information on the partner website.
M-members kunnen tot 4x per maand bij deze locatie inchecken L- members kunnen tot 6x per maand bij deze locatie inchecken. XL-members kunnen tot 1x per dag bij deze locatie inchecken. B2B: M-members kunnen tot 4x per maand bij deze locatie inchecken L- members kunnen tot 8x per maand bij deze locatie inchecken. XL-members kunnen tot 1x per dag bij deze locatie inchecken.
Simone is specialized in African Contemporary dance and is a unique dance teacher in this technique in the Netherlands. Simone studied African traditional and African Contemporary dance in Senegal (Ecole des Sables, Germaine Acogny) and Burkina Faso (Ecole de Danse Irène Tassembédo, EDIT, Irène Tassembédo). She performed and had her internships in Senegal, Ghana and Ivory Coast, Africa. And works on different dance projects in the Netherlands, Europe and Africa.
Sinon, les prochains cours ont lieu le
lundi 24 février