Berlin Contemporary Dance - UHU Studio

Contemporary Dance in Berlin - Neukölln, Kreuzberg & Wedding Iliana's workshops are emphasizing on Contemporary Dance technique buildup and Improvisation. The focus is on floor work practice, organic movement, fluidity and awareness. Technique is approached as a guide to efficiency in the movement of the human body. The internal structure of the class is made to gradually deepen in the technique and develop through it. The main elements studied are: -Floor Work: How it works. Developing our relation to the floor through all movement levels, using multiple floor-work patterns and phrases. Using levers and clear pathways, building up a vocabulary that can be used in further understanding the mechanics of movement. From basic floor- patterns to advanced, complicated ones, floor acrobatics, handstands, coordinations. -Dynamics of movement. Flow and organic movement. Study and use of weight, momentum, impulse, swing and flow of movement, developing the body's kinetic intelligence. How grounding works, how to stay connected to the floor through the study of body structure (bones and joints), of weight and use of breath. Organic movement and its impact to the body, use of own body structure in the most efficient way. -Connectivity practice. Spacial and body awareness. Connectivity is studied both in terms of a fully connected moving body and of a mover in a state of full connection with his/her environment. How the body moves in its full awareness, connecting and interacting with its environment - the other people, the space, the floor- and its own inner state at the same time. Spatial and body awareness, together with connectivity practice, helps to develop a unified physical and mental consciousness, thus a moving body in its full consciousness expressing itself in space and time. Throughout the class fixed phrases and exercises are given, practicing the aforementioned elements. The material is highly physical and classes often end up on a longer phrase practice, built from the accumulation of smaller exercises, working also on physical strength, stamina and memory.

Heures d'ouverture :

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Limites de participation :

M-Mitglieder können insgesamt 4x pro Monat standortübergreifend an den Kursen von UHU Studio teilnehmen L-Mitglieder können insgesamt 8x pro Monat standortübergreifend an den Kursen von UHU Studio teilnehmen XL-Mitglieder können insgesamt 8x pro Monat standortübergreifend an den Kursen von UHU Studio teilnehmen

Informations importantes :

Floorwork, Handstands, Acrobatic Contemporary Dance in Berlin BCD's courses emphasize on Contemporary Dance technique buildup and Improvisation. The focus is on floor work practice, acro dance and handstands, organic movement, fluidity and awareness. Technique is approached as a guide to efficiency in the movement of the human body. The internal structure of the class is made to gradually deepen in the technique and develop through it. The main elements studied are: -Floor Work: How it works Developing our relation to the floor through all movement levels, using multiple floorwork patterns and phrases. Using spirals, levers and clear pathways, building up a vocabulary that can be used in further understanding the mechanics of movement. From basic floor patterns to advanced, complicated ones, floor acrobatics, handstands, coordinations. -Dynamics of movement Flow and organic movement. Study and use of weight, momentum, impulse, swing and flow of movement, developing the body's kinetic intelligence. How grounding works, how to stay connected to the floor through the study of body structure (bones and joints), of weight and use of breath. Organic movement and its impact to the body, use of own body structure in the most efficient way. - In Connection mode, spatial and body awareness The In-Connection mode is studied both in terms of a fully connected moving body and of a mover in a state of full connection with their environment. How the body moves in its full awareness is studied, while it connects to and interacts with its environment (the other people, the space, the floor) and its own inner state at the same time. Spatial and body awareness, together with In-Connection mode practice, help to develop a unified physical and mental consciousness, thus a moving body in its full consciousness expressing itself in space and time. Throughout the class, set movement phrases are given, as well as improvisation tasks, practicing the aforementioned elements and staying playful with the technique. The material is highly physical and classes often end up on a longer phrase practice, built from the accumulation of smaller phrases in previous classes, working therefore additionally on physical strength, stamina and memory. WEEKLY PARTICIPATION IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED, as our classes are advancing! BCD's booking system is designed to support the learning process and the advancing of your Contemporary Dance technique: come weekly, learn effectively. Check our booking system for more!

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