Urban Sports Club Netherlands (OneFit Unlimited B.V.) | General Membership Conditions

August 2024


These general terms and conditions apply the moment a member takes out a subscription with us ("Urban Sports Club Netherlands" or "Urban Sports"). In these general membership terms we explain what you can expect from us and what we ask of you. Before we start with the legal part of our terms and conditions, we briefly summarize the most important points of our terms and conditions below. 

To participate in a workout, you must reserve a spot in advance. Upon arrival, you must register your participation in a workout. You can’t - for whatever reason - participate in a workout? Make sure you cancel your reservation in time. You don't cancel in time or don't show up? Then we will charge you a fee. We don't like that and of course try to avoid it. 

You can cancel your membership at any time. We will then terminate the agreement within 30 days at the latest. You also have the option of revoking the agreement within 14 days of entering into the membership. In that case you will get your money back. Unless you have already used one or more workouts, then we will refund part of the subscription fee. 

Make sure you abide by the house rules of the provider where you will be exercising. Want to know what house rules apply at a particular provider? Ask the provider for a copy of the house rules. Are you not following the house rules or are you using our website or app in an unauthorized way? Or do we suspect fraud with your account? Then we have the ability to block your account and the provider has the ability to deny you access to the workout. 

We have the right to change our rates and conditions. We will always notify you well in advance of any change. Do you disagree with a proposed change? Then you have the option to terminate your membership. Of course, we hope you will continue to be a member with us. 

Finally, we want to let you know that we take complaints very seriously. Do you have a complaint? Then of course we would like to hear from you as soon as possible via our https://urbansports.zendesk.com/hc/nl/requests/new

  1. General | Scope

    1. These Urban Sports Membership Terms and Conditions ("Terms and Conditions") apply to all agreements between Urban Sports Club Netherlands (OneFit B.V. and OneFit Unlimited B.V., Apollolaan 151, 1077 AR Amsterdam) ("Urban Sports") and clients of Urban Sports ("Members") who are consumers, i.e., persons not acting in the course of their profession or business, and to whom Urban Sports provides access to the Urban Sports platform (www.urbansportsclub.com) including all related websites, applications and services (collectively, "Platform").

    2. Members can take advantage of the various sports offerings through the Platform ("Sports Offerings"). The Sports Offerings are offered under their own responsibility by cooperation partners of Urban Sports or by companies affiliated with Urban Sports such as operators of sports centers, fitness studios and other third parties ("Partners") ("Partner Offerings"). Urban Sports also offers Sports Offerings itself ("Own Offering"), insofar as it is expressly designated as such. 

    3. These Terms and Conditions apply to all membership agreements, as well as all applications and application processes related to a membership agreement, executed and/or agreed upon online, by email or app between Urban Sports and the member ("Membership"). These Terms and Conditions form a part of each Membership. 

    4. Urban Sports offers the Member the opportunity to use the Sports Offerings through the Platform. As far as the Member uses an offer from a Partner, only the contractual agreements between the Member and the relevant Partner apply. In this regard, Urban Sports does not become a contractual party of the Member and is therefore not responsible for the content, scope and fulfilment of the Partner Offering. 

    5. The Partners are not representatives or substitutes of Urban Sports and Urban Sports is not a representative or substitute for the Partners. Urban Sports is not obligated to accept questions and complaints from the Member about offers from Partners, notifications from the Partners about the Partner offer to the Member by mediating between the Member and the Partners. 

    6. These Terms and Conditions also apply to future contracts between Urban Sports and the Member without Urban Sports having to refer to these Terms and Conditions in individual cases. 

    7. Only these Terms and Conditions apply between Urban Sports and the Member. The applicability of different, contradictory or additional general terms and conditions is expressly rejected.

    8. Individual agreements with the Member take precedence over these Terms and Conditions.

    9. For practical reasons, the masculine form is used in these Terms and Conditions. However, all personal designations apply equally.  

  2. Use of the Platform | Trial Use

    1. In accordance with the Membership, Urban Sports grants the Member access to the Platform to the extent specified in the Membership upon payment of a membership fee

    2. Urban Sports strives to offer as broad and varied a program of sports activities as possible. However, the Member is not entitled to a certain sports program or a certain minimum number of sports programs, a certain minimum size or a certain type, form or quality of sports programs. Nor is the Member entitled to have certain sports programs take place on location.

    3. For a period of time to be determined by Urban Sports in its sole discretion, Urban Sports may provide the Member with limited access to the Platform at no cost for trial purposes ("Trial Use"). Urban Sports shall have the right at any time to reduce, limit or otherwise modify the scope of services offered for Trial Use without notice. Trial Use does not constitute a guarantee of (future) features of the Platform or the Sports Offering, as the case may be. In accordance with the terms agreed in the Membership, the Trial Use may end and automatically change to a paid Membership.

    4. Urban Sports is entitled to use subcontractors to fulfill its contractual obligations.

  3. Member account │Becoming a member | Rate change

    1. To use the Platform, the Member must create an account by entering certain personal information on a registration form provided online by Urban Sports, setting a self-selected password and accepting these Terms and Conditions ("Account"). The Member must then use the Account to apply for a Membership with Urban Sports. Offers from Urban Sports regarding Memberships are without obligation and do not bind Urban Sports. By submitting the application, the Member makes a binding offer to become a Member. Urban Sports reserves the right to refuse an offer to become a Member. 

    2. The application process consists of the following steps: selecting a rate, checking and/or correcting the selection, entering the relevant data, selecting the payment method, accepting the Terms and Conditions and submitting the application in a binding manner by clicking an application button. The Member's application does not become a binding Membership for both parties until Urban Sports confirms acceptance of the application to the Member in an email ("Application Confirmation"). The Registration Confirmation also contains further information about the Member's application and an application number. 

    3. To become a Member, the Member must be of age and have a profile picture stored in his member account that allows him to be clearly identified, including by Partners.

    4. Depending on the chosen Membership, the Member has the possibility to change his Membership to a rate with a lower or higher scope of Sports Offerings, in the first case with effect from the next billing period, in the second case, at the Member's choice, either with immediate effect or with effect from the next billing period. In case of an immediate change, the Member is obliged to pay the correspondingly increased membership fee for the entire billing period started (also retroactively).

    5. The Member is obligated to provide complete and accurate information when creating the Account. The Member is also obliged to keep the data in their Account up to date and is responsible for its accuracy and completeness and is obliged to inform Urban Sports immediately of any changes to this data. Urban Sports is entitled, but not obligated, to use the previous data for the fulfillment of its contractual obligations until changes are communicated.

    6. The Member may only hold one Account. An Account is personal and may therefore not be used by the Member in any way by anyone other than the Member.

    7. Urban Sports reserves the right to delete inactive Accounts. Accounts are considered inactive if there is no current Membership for a continuous period of more than one (1) year. The Member may request Urban Sports to delete their Account if there is no current Membership.

    8. Urban Sports does not retain the text of the agreements and other documents related to Membership (including these Terms and Conditions and the related application) after a Membership is terminated. This text is also no longer available to the Member through the Account and must therefore be removed from the Account by the Member prior to termination of the Membership, if the Member wishes to retain it.

  4. Taking advantage of sports programs  

    1. In accordance with Membership, the Member is given the opportunity to take advantage of certain sports offers through the Platform, without being charged any fees in addition to the membership fee. Exceptions to this are additional costs, about which the Member has been expressly informed in advance, as well as costs charged by the Partner for providing additional services (e.g. provision of training equipment or training devices). If, despite this, the Member believes he or she has paid a membership fee that is not due, the Member will receive a corresponding credit to his or her Urban Sports account upon presentation of the appropriate supporting documents, which will be automatically offset against future membership fees.

    2. Programs from the Partner Offerings are generally conducted by Partners physically on location, as virtual livestreams and/or as video-on-demand. Programs from Urban Sports' Own Offering are generally conducted as virtual livestreams and/or as video-on-demand.

    3. If programs from the Partner Offer are performed at the Partner's location, the Member may register with the Partner electronically through the Platform. If programs from the Sports Offering (both Partner Offering and Own Offering) are conducted as a virtual live stream, the Member may register electronically with the Partner or Urban Sports via the Platform. 

    4. The Member is required to identify themselves as a Member of Urban Sports at each check-in at a Partner.

    5. Each check-in establishes an agreement between the Member and the relevant Partner for the use of the relevant Partner offer in accordance with the agreements between the Member and the Partner (including participation requirements, rules of conduct, additional fees, consequences of non-appearance, liability rules, etc.). The Member is obliged to comply with these terms and conditions. Urban Sports is not a party to this agreement and Urban Sports can therefore not be held liable by the Member in any way for failure to comply or damage, unless this is attributable to Urban Sports.

    6. Some programs from the Partner offer can be booked by the Member in advance in a binding way. If the Member does not cancel an existing reservation through the Platform or with the Partner within the applicable cancellation period, they are obligated to pay Urban Sports a one-time no-show fee in the amount of €15.00.

    7. The scope of the Partner Offering depends on the availability (e.g. of free spotsand staffing) at the Partner. The Partner Offer may therefore change from time to time and no rights for the future can be derived from the Partner Offer at any time.

    8. The Member is prohibited from making video and/or audio recordings of Sport Offerings.

  5. Rights of use | Restrictions of use

    1. In accordance with the Membership, Urban Sports grants Member a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, worldwide license to use the Platform for Member's private purposes only during the term of the Membership. The Platform is provided as currently described on the Urban Sports website, including the on-boarding process and frequently asked questions (FAQs) section ("Documentation").

    2. Member shall not (and shall not permit any third party to) directly or indirectly: (a) sublicense, sell, resell, transfer, assign, distribute, share, lease, rent, externally commercialize, outsource or otherwise generate income from the Platform; (b) copy the Platform to any public or distributed network; (c) decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble or otherwise attempt to obtain the source code, object code or underlying structural ideas, know-how or algorithms or other functional mechanisms of the Platform (d) modify, adapt, translate, or create derivative works based on the Platform (except to the extent permitted by Urban Sports or as authorized by the Platform); (e) alter any notices of proprietary rights appearing on the Platform or any part thereof; (f) use the Platform in a manner that violates applicable laws and regulations (including export regulations and restrictions, national security controls and regulations) or outside the scope of the license described in this Section 5; or (g) use the Platform to (i) store, download or transmit infringing, defamatory or otherwise unlawful or abusive material or malicious code or malware, or (ii) engage in phishing, spamming, denial of service attacks or other fraudulent or criminal activity; (iii) disrupt or interfere with the integrity or performance of third-party systems or the services or data contained therein; (iv) attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Platform or Urban Sports' systems or networks; or (v) conduct penetration tests, vulnerability assessments or other security assessments; or (h) otherwise use the Platform in violation of the agreements between the parties and the purpose for which the Platform is made available to Member (fair use, reasonableness and fairness).

    3. The Member is not allowed to reproduce, edit, share or disclose the contents of the Platform without written permission from Urban Sports, unless expressly permitted by functions integrated into the Platform.

    4. The Member may not directly or indirectly export or re-export the Platform or its technical data or copies, components or products in violation of applicable laws and regulations. 

    5. The Member may only use the Platform as described in the Documentation.

  6. Obligations of the Member

    1. The Member represents and warrants that it will only use the Platform in full compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. 

    2. The Member is responsible for acquiring and maintaining, at his/her own expense, technical equipment and related ancillary services necessary to connect to, access or otherwise use the Platform and the Sports Offering, specifically a smartphone, modems, hardware, servers, software (particularly video (conference) and other third-party software for the reception of the Sports Offering as virtual live streams), operating systems and networks (collectively, "Technical Equipment"). Urban Sports makes no representations or warranties regarding the availability and/or specific functions of such Technical Equipment. The minimum competency requirements that Urban Sports considers necessary for the Technical Equipment are available in the current version on Urban Sports' website.

    3. Access to the Account with the Urban Sports Club App is only allowed from one hardware device (e.g., laptop, tablet or smartphone). The Account allows the Member to periodically specify which device is linked to the Account. If the Account is accessed through the Urban Sports app from a device that is not linked to the Account, the Account will be blocked for 24 hours.

    4. The Member is responsible for the security of the Technical Equipment, his/her Account, his/her user ID, his/her passwords (in particular his user password) and files and any use of his Account or Technical Equipment known or unknown to the Member. The Member must not disclose his/her Account and passwords to third parties and is obligated to store, retain and manage them in a secure manner, including changing passwords in a timely manner.

    5. If it is suspected that an unauthorized person has taken cognizance of an Account and/or password, the Member is obligated to immediately notify Urban Sports and change the relevant user ID and/or password. 

    6. In case of a known or suspected security breach or misuse of the Platform, the Member is obliged to immediately notify Urban Sports.

    7. The Member is not authorized to allow third parties to use his Account and may not grant third parties access to the Sports Offering, in particular to enable them to participate in the Sports Offering in the form of virtual livestreams and/or as video-on-demand (e.g., forwarding hyperlinks).

    8. Member is solely responsible for the content of all data and all other material displayed, published, uploaded, stored, exchanged or transmitted by Member through or using the Platform (collectively, "Member Content"). Urban Sports is unable to monitor Member Content on an ongoing basis and does not adopt it as its own data.

      6.9. Urban Sports may, without being obliged to do so, investigate complaints and suspected violations of law (including violations of the terms and conditions applicable to Membership, third party rights, criminal offenses and administrative violations) and may take provisional or permanent measures that Urban Sports deems appropriate, taking into account the legitimate interests of the Member. This includes rejecting, blocking or deleting content of Members as well as (temporarily) restricting, blocking or canceling the Member's access to the Platform or terminating the Membership and deleting the Account with immediate effect.

  7. Maintenance and support

    1. Urban Sports provides maintenance and support services for the Platform as part of and/or arising from the Membership. In this context, "Support" means Urban Sports' obligation to respond to legitimate support requests from the Member with respect to the Platform by assisting in debugging and providing support. "Maintenance" shall mean Urban Sports' obligation with respect to the Platform to fix errors and so-called bugs as well as provide updates and upgrades published by Urban Sports in its sole discretion.

    2. Support is available to the Member through https://urbansports.zendesk.com/hc/nl/requests/new and/or through an email address provided by Urban Sports for this purpose and/or through the live chat on the Urban Sports website and/or through the phone number listed on the Urban Sports website, all during regular business hours.

    3. Urban Sports shall make all reasonable efforts, in accordance with applicable industry standards, to maintain the Platform in such a manner as to minimize disruptions and interruptions to the Platform. The Member may report outages to Urban Sports via https://urbansports.zendesk.com/hc/nl/requests/new or via an email address provided by Urban Sports for this purpose and/or via the live chat on the Urban Sports website. Urban Sports shall make all reasonable efforts to promptly remedy all reported outages, provided that (a) the Member provides Urban Sports with a detailed description of the outage and its reproducibility and (b) this is done subject to the priority of the outage, which is determined by Urban Sports in its sole discretion.

    4. Maintenance and Support costs are included in the membership fee. Urban Sports is in no case obliged to fulfill the obligations of this Article 7 as long as the Member has not paid the membership fee (in full).

  8. Availability of the Platform

    1. Urban Sports shall make the Platform available to the Member in accordance with the provisions of this Article 8.

    2. Urban Sports shall make reasonable efforts to ensure that the Platform is available to Member via the Internet for a minimum of ninety-nine point five percent (99.5%) of the calendar year (based on twenty-four (24) hours per day and seven (7) days per week), except for (a) temporary unavailability due to scheduled or unscheduled maintenance by Urban Sports or third parties and (b) unavailability for reasons beyond Urban Sports' control. Urban Sports will make reasonable efforts to provide advance notice of planned interruptions to the Platform. 

    3. The Member is aware and the Member acknowledges that Urban Sports cannot guarantee the Member's access to the Platform, such as the Member's Internet access and proper functioning of Technical Equipment, as well as the availability of a virtual live stream and/or video-on-demand from Urban Sports and/or the Partner, and that Urban Sports is not liable for any malfunction of the Member's or Partner's Internet connection or Technical Equipment, nor for the temporary or non-availability of such content.

  9. Membership fee | Payment terms | Settlement

    1. The Member is obliged to pay the agreed fee (the "Membership Fee") to Urban Sports.

    2. The Member is obliged to use one of the payment methods offered on the Platform to pay the Membership Fee.

    3. Urban Sports has the right to block the Member's access to the Platform if full payment is not received by Urban Sports within five (5) days after the due date.

    4. If the collection of Membership Fees fails, the Member shall bear the additional costs incurred and for which he is responsible. In case of a returned direct debit (e.g. due to insufficient account balance, non-existent account or wrongful objection), the Member authorizes Urban Sports to resend the relevant direct debit, whereby the Member is obliged to pay to Urban Sports a processing fee of EUR 2.50 per returned direct debit, insofar as the Member is responsible for the returned direct debit. Further claims of Urban Sports remain unaffected. The Member is permitted to prove that lower costs or no costs at all were incurred as a result of the returned direct debit.

  10. Discount Voucher | Gift certificates | Friends Link

    1. Discount coupons that are not for sale, but which Urban Sports issues free of charge as part of advertising campaigns ("Discount Voucher"), are valid only on the Platform and only for the period specified therein. The promotional terms and conditions of the respective Discount Voucher apply. Discount Vouchers are not transferable. Individual services may be excluded from an action concerning a Discount Voucher. Unredeemed Discount Vouchers can be deactivated by Urban Sports at any time. Discount Vouchers can only be redeemed once and cannot be combined with each other. If the value of the Discount Voucher is not sufficient for full payment, the Member may pay the difference through the payment options offered by Urban Sports. If the value of the Discount Voucher exceeds the value of the amount to be paid, the balance of the Discount Voucher will expire and will not be refunded by Urban Sports. In case of cancellation, the Member is not entitled to claim a refund of the amount due on a Discount Voucher.

    2. Vouchers that can be purchased ("Gift Vouchers") are valid only on the Platform and only in accordance with the terms and conditions of the respective Gift Voucher. If the value of the Gift Voucher is not sufficient for full payment, the Member may top up the difference through the payment options offered by Urban Sports. Any remaining balance will not be distributed in cash and no interest will be paid on it. Gift Vouchers cannot be used to purchase other Gift Vouchers.

    3. The Member can refer other people as new Members by giving them a personal referral code (the "Refer-a-friend Code") stored in their Account. If the referred person successfully concludes a Membership with the Refer-a-friend code, the new Member will receive a one-time discount and the Member who provided the Refer-a-friend code will receive a credit to their Account to be determined, in each case in accordance with the relevant terms and conditions. Upon termination of the Membership, any credit accrued will expire and no refund will be made by Urban Sports.

    4. The Member is not authorized to disclose or commercially use Discount Vouchers or Refer-a-friend codes.

  11. Duration | Cancel | Pause

    1. The start date and duration of a Membership are determined by the respective Membership. Both Urban Sports and the Member may terminate the Membership at any time subject to the notice period applicable to the Membership. 

    2. Urban Sports has the option to terminate the Membership with immediate effect, without owing any compensation to the Member, if: (a) the Member is in arrears for more than thirty (30) days; (b) the Member intentionally provides false personal, contact or payment information or otherwise misrepresents his/her identity, (c) the Member allows third parties to use his/her membership without authorization, (d) the Member violates the restrictions on use set forth in Article 5 of these Terms and Conditions, (e) the Member fails to comply with the obligations set forth in Article 6 of these Terms and Conditions, or (f) the Member violates the house rules or the terms and conditions of the Partners.

    3. The Member has the right to take an interruption of the Membership for a period of one (1) to a total of six (6) full membership month(s), provided that the Membership provides for this possibility and always under the conditions as stated in the respective Membership. An interruption must be requested at least one (1) business day before the end of the relevant billing period and may be terminated at any time with immediate effect by the Member informing Urban Sports, or by the Member taking advantage of the Sports offer. Interruptions may be shortened or extended by full membership months. In case of immediate cancellation of an interruption, the Member is obliged to pay the respective Membership Fee for the entire started billing period (i.e. also retroactively).

    4. An interruption cannot be used to bridge the regular notice period. If the Member cancels the Membership during an interruption, unless otherwise agreed, the cancellation will take effect at the end of the next billing period following the interruption. If the Member interrupts the Membership after terminating the Membership, unless otherwise agreed, the termination will only take effect at the time it would have taken effect without the interruption, but extended for the duration of the relevant interruption. 

    5. An interruption does not suspend temporary Membership Benefits (such as Discount Vouchers and Refer-a-friend Code). Temporary Membership Benefits may therefore also terminate or expire during an interruption. 

  12. Limited warranty for the Platform

    1. It is the Member's responsibility to verify that the Platform meets his/her needs and desires as described in the Documentation. The Member is aware of the main functions and features of the Platform. The scope, nature and quality of the Platform are determined by these Terms and Conditions, the type of Membership and the Documentation. Other information or conditions are only part of the Membership if the Member and Urban Sports have expressly agreed in writing or if Urban Sports expressly confirms this in writing. Product or service descriptions, illustrations, test programs, etc. are not guarantees or quality agreements. Urban Sports does not provide any warranties unless explicitly provided in writing, confirmed by Urban Sports management.

    2. Urban Sports guarantees that the Platform has the essential functions as described in the current documentation of the relevant version of the Platform. If at any time the Platform does not have these functions, Urban Sports will make all reasonable efforts to restore the Platform. If Urban Sports is unable to restore the Platform within a reasonable period of at least thirty (30) days after having been given written notice of default by the Member, the Member shall be entitled to terminate their Membership with immediate effect by written notice to Urban Sports. If so, Urban Sports will refund the Member any prepaid Membership fee on a pro rata basis.

  13. Ownership and property rights | Member content | Updates

    1. Urban Sports and its contractors, if any, own and retain all proprietary rights, including copyrights, database rights, patents, trade secrets, trademarks and all other intellectual property rights, results, know-how and technical solutions in and related to the Platform. The limited authority under the Membership to use the Platform in no way gives the Member any (intellectual) property or related right in the Platform, any part thereof or any result or know-how arising therefrom. 

    2. All rights to the Member Content shall remain with the Member. The Member grants Urban Sports a simple, non-transferable, sublicensable, spatially and substantively unrestricted (use) right to use the Member Content exclusively in connection with the provision of the Platform, including towards other Members and Partners.

    3. Urban Sports reserves the right to make available and implement new versions and updates of the Platform, in particular changes to the design, mode of operation, technical specifications, systems and other functions of the Platform, in particular insofar as they are necessary to maintain the contractual conformity of the Platform or if it is necessary or desirable from technical, economic or legal points of view.

  14. Data Protection

    1. The Member and Urban Sports will at all times comply with the requirements of applicable privacy and personal data protection laws, in particular the General Data Protection Regulation.

    2. Urban Sports' processing of personal data is further explained in Urban Sports' privacy policy published on its website: https://urbansportsclub.com/nl/privacy-nl.

  15. Default | Damages

    1. If Urban Sports imputably fails to fulfill its obligations under the Membership, Urban Sports is only obligated to still correctly execute the contract. If, as a result of a shortcoming attributable to Urban Sports, the Member is unable to use the Membership for some time, Urban Sports shall pay the Member compensation corresponding to the period in which the Member was unable to use the Membership. The amount of this compensation is in all cases limited to a maximum of the amount the Member paid or should have paid to Urban Sports during this period based on the contract.

    2. A shortcoming in the fulfillment by a Partner, or damage arising as a result of participation in the Partner Offerings, is not part of the agreement entered into by Urban Sports and the Member with the Membership and is not attributable to Urban Sports. In such a case, the Member may therefore only hold the relevant Partner liable.

      15.3. Urban Sports is only liable for direct damages incurred by the Member and attributable to Urban Sports. The liability of Urban Sports is at all times limited to a maximum of the amount paid by the Member under the Membership to Urban Sports in the past twelve (12) months. Urban Sports is never liable for indirect damages. This includes, among others, consequential damages, pure financial loss, loss of profit and/or turnover, reputational damage, costs related to travel and accommodation.

      15.4. Any right of a Member, such as the right to fulfillment or compensation for damages, expires after twelve (12) months from the moment when the event occurred from which the claim directly or indirectly arises and for which Urban Sports is liable, or from the moment when the Member became aware of the event from which the claim directly or indirectly arises and for which Urban Sports is liable, or could reasonably have become aware of it.

  16. Distance contract | right of withdrawal

    1. This article applies when the Membership is agreed through an organized system for distance sales or services, without simultaneous personal presence of Urban Sports and the Member and where, up to and including the moment of conclusion of the contract, exclusive use is made of one or more means of distance communication. This is referred to in this article as the "Distance Membership".

    2. The Member may cancel a Distance Membership for a period of fourteen days without giving any reasons. If Urban Sports asks the Member for the reason for dissolution, the Member may provide a reason, but is not obligated to do so. The fourteen (14) day period begins on the day following that on which the Membership is concluded.

    3. Use of the right of withdrawal is subject to the following instruction:

    1. Information about the Right of Withdrawal

      Right of Withdrawal

      You have the right to revoke the contract within a period of fourteen (14) days without giving reasons. The revocation period expires fourteen (14) days after the day the Membership is concluded.

      To exercise the right of withdrawal, you must inform us of your decision to withdraw from the contract by an unequivocal statement (e.g. in writing by post or e-mail). You may use the attached model withdrawal form for this purpose, but are not obliged to do so. to comply with the withdrawal period, it is sufficient to send your communication concerning your exercise of the right of withdrawal before the withdrawal period has expired.

      Our contact information is as follows:

      Name: Urban Sports Club Netherlands (OneFit Unlimited B.V.)

      Address:  Apollolaan 151, 1077AR Amsterdam
      Chamber of Commerce number:    64538044

      E-mail:                 [email protected]

      Consequences of the revocation

      If you withdraw from the contract, you will receive back from us all payments made by you up to that point, including any delivery costs (but excluding any additional costs resulting from your choice of a mode of delivery other than the cheapest standard delivery offered by us) without delay and in any event not less than fourteen (14) days after we have been informed of your decision to withdraw from the contract.

      We will refund you using the same means of payment with which you made the original transaction, unless you have expressly agreed otherwise; in any event, you will not be charged a fee for such refund.

      If we have agreed that the services under the Agreement will begin during the withdrawal period, you will pay us a reasonable amount corresponding to the ratio of the services already provided at the time you notify us of your decision to withdraw from the Agreement to the total scope of services under the Agreement. In practical terms, we will reimburse you for the monthly amount you paid under the Membership, deducting pro rata the days you were able to use the Membership. This will take into account the extent of your use of our service up to the time of withdrawal.

      Model withdrawal form

      Please return the following completed form to: OneFit Unlimited B.V., Apollolaan 151, 1077AR Amsterdam, [email protected]:

      I/We* hereby notify* you that I/We* withdraw/withdraw* the agreement regarding the provision of the following services (* delete as appropriate):


      Ordered from:

      Your name: 

      Your address: 

      Your signature (only if communicated on paper): 




  17. Transfer | Prohibition of transfer

    1. Urban Sports is authorized to transfer the Membership and/or related rights and obligations in whole or in part to third parties, provided such transfer does not affect the Member's rights arising from the Membership. The Member hereby irrevocably consents to such transfer. 

    2. The Member cannot assign their rights or obligations arising from Membership and these Terms and Conditions without Urban Sports' prior written consent; this does not apply to monetary claims.

  18. Full Agreement | Changes | Updates

    1. The Membership, including these Terms and Conditions, constitutes the entire agreement between the Member and Urban Sports with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes and excludes all prior written or oral negotiations, arrangements, understandings, practices or agreements between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof.

    2. Urban Sports may modify and/or update these Terms and Conditions to the extent that it does not constitute a substantial change affecting the basis of the legal relationship between the parties and is equivalent to entering into a new contract. Any amendment to these Terms will be communicated to the Member (email notification being sufficient) at least six (6) weeks prior to its scheduled effective date. If the change involves a substantial modification of the agreed performance and the Member cannot agree to or objects to this change, the Member has the authority to cancel the Membership by the effective date of the new Terms and Conditions. If the Member does not cancel the Membership before the effective date of the new Terms and Conditions, then modification is deemed accepted by the Member.

  19. Applicable law | Competent court

    1. The Membership and all (contractual or non-contractual) disputes or claims arising out of or in connection with the Membership or its subject or conclusion are governed exclusively by Dutch law. These disputes shall be settled exclusively by the competent court of the District Court of Amsterdam.

Urban Sports Club Netherlands (OneFit Unlimited B.V.)

Chamber of Commerce number:    64538044

August 2024