AKZEPTANZ @ Humboldthain

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Tanzen in Pankow, Neuköln-Treptow akzepTANZ movement is a place for connection. Improve your physical and mental state using movement and touch as main elements to explore your emotional landscape. Our vision is that everyone can feel present and free in their body - being able to move through life with ease. Reconnect to the capability of your body. In your own unique expression. We provide the space & movement tools for you.

Horários de Abertura:

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Limites de Visita:

M-Mitglieder können 4x pro Monat an den Kursen von akzepTANZ teilnehmen L- & XL-Mitglieder können 8x pro Monat an den Kursen von akzepTANZ teilnehmen

Informação Importante:

AKZEPTANZ movement @ freut sich auf Dich!

Agora a partir de 24,00 €

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