Ballerina Body - Chiado


Dancer's workout Ballerina Body - Lisboa Ballerina Body® creatively combines exercises from various dance techniques, including ballet, with a fitness vision. It also uses pilates, floor barre, yoga, modern dance, and physiotherapy techniques, focusing on correcting movement patterns, muscle strengthening, and flexibility improvement.

Outros locais:


Horários de Abertura:

O horário de funcionamento está determinado pelo horário das aulas.

Limites de Visita:

Membros M podem participar nas aulas em Ballerina Body 4x por mês. Membros L e XL podem participar nas aulas em Ballerina Body 8x por mês. 

Informação Importante:

Make your booking directly via the USC app and wait for confirmation. If you can't make it, you must cancel at least 24 hours in advance, otherwise, the visit will be deducted from your credits and an additional fee will be charged. Bring you comfortable, well-fitting sportswear. You are very welcome!

Agora a partir de 24,00 €

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    fevereiro 3, segunda-feira