Movement-Unlimited by Feli - Humboldthain

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Bootcamp in Friedrichshain & Gesundbrunnen Please pre-register via Mail, you will receive all important information about the meeting point. [email protected] Also bring your own mat as well as a towel and enough water.

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Limites de Visita:

S-Mitglieder können im Rahmen ihres Kontingents von 4 Mal im Monat auch das Movement-Unlimited by Feli - Humboldthain besuchen. M-Mitglieder können 4 Mal pro Monat an den Kursen von Movement-Unlimited by Feli - Humboldthain teilnehmen. L-Mitglieder können 8 Mal pro Monat an den Kursen von Movement-Unlimited by Feli - Humboldthain teilnehmen. XL-Mitglieder können 8 Mal pro Monat an den Kursen von Movement-Unlimited by Feli - Humboldthain teilnehmen.

Informação Importante:

Please pre-register via Mail, you will receive all important information about the meeting point. [email protected] Also bring your own mat as well as a towel and enough water.

Agora a partir de 24,00 €

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