On Run Club


Funktionelles Training Join us every Thursday between 6:30 and 7:30 pm for some afterwork strides guided by our store coach Björn. It is open to all levels, and we take care to leave no one behind. Try on our wide selection of test shoes and take them out for a spin. We will do a scenic loop between 5-8kms preceded by a warmup and then a cool down. Looking forward to hosting you.

Outros locais:


Horários de Abertura:

The opening hours depend on the course times / agreed appointments or are not known. You can find more information on the partner website.

Limites de Visita:

M- Mitglieder können 4 Mal pro Monat On Run Club besuchen. L- & XL-Mitglieder können 8 Mal pro Monat On Run Club besuchen.

Informação Importante:

Der Treffpunkt befindet sich vor dem On Store in Berlin Mitte.

Agora a partir de 24,00 €

    Nenhum curso encontrado hoje

    Repor filtros.

    Caso contrário, os próximos cursos disponíveis são em

    outubro 24, quinta-feira