Massage und Meditation in Berlin Bookings only via msg, (no calls please). Only massages with surcharge fees atm. Check YOUR OPTIONS and HOW TO BOOK below. Surcharge fees ( sliding scale): 45min USC checkin + 40€ 60min USC check-in + 45-52€ 75min USC check-in + 55-62€ 90min USC check-in + 65-72€ YOUR OPTIONS/ What to expect • Expect to be welcomed in a calm caring energy into a safe space to surrender. We offer heated mat on winter. Full Body Thai Massage | 45-90min | • is done with clothes on and include acupressure, manual handling and stretches. Neck and shoulders are massaged with oil. Every massage ends with 5-15min of a soft cranio-sacral touch around your head and/or shoulders, which activates the flow of cerebrospinal fluid between the head and the base of the spine. In doing so relieves tension in the central nervous system, promoting a feeling of deep relaxation and well-being. You might fall asleep in the end. Please consider to book 75-90min if you know you are under stress, pain or tension. Back&Nerves Relief | 60-90min | • upper body (back, head, shoulders) oil massage combined with a longer session (20-30min) of cranio-sacral touch to reset your central nervous system. CST is a very soft touch that will bring you to deep relaxation and soothe your central nervous system. We start with the upper body massage and end with CST. CST might help if you suffer with issues related to stress and impairment of parasympathetic functions, eg. sleeping, digestion, emotions regulation, fatigue, concentration, depression, underlying tension, chronic pain, jaw tension. Back&Nervers Relief are done on the massage table instead of the Thai Massage mattress, so please specify your desired massage sort when booking. Head&Shoulders Massage | 45min | • same shoulders, chest, neck, head and face massage I give in the complete treatments, here by itself. As always ending with CST for deeper relaxation. Cranio-Sacral Touch | 45-60min | • deep body-mind relaxation. A very soft touch that activates the flow of cerebrospinal fluid between the head and the base of the spine and relieves tension from the central nervous system. Recommended if you suffer with issues related to stress and impairment of parasympathetic functions, eg. sleeping, digestion, emotions regulation, fatigue, concentration, depression, underlying tension, chronic pain, jaw tension. It promotes a feeling of deep relaxation and well-being. Sound Massage/ Sound Bath | 45-90min | • soothing nature inspired instruments and gong bath, combined or not with the massage of your choice. HOW TO BOOK • Appointments need to be booked BY MESSAGE (no calls please) at latest the previous day. Please check the massage options and opening times and send me a message via or with: - your name & membership number - massage option & length - desired time slot(s) I will write you back with availability and will send you a msg of confirmation with all details you need. * I have certain flexibility with the opening times, so feel free to request a slot out of schedule and I'll see what's possible. ** Note you are booking an individual slot with a practitioner, please only request appointments you know you can commit. If you need to cancel your reservation please send me a msg at least 24hours prior to your appointment. TELEGRAM CHANNEL - extra slots and discounts • I have a Telegram Channel where I post eventual discounts and extra slots for 30min or prolonged massages. The special events related to massage I eventually offer will be also shared there, so you can know as soon as launched and book in advance. There is no chat and no one can see you there: . TESTIMONIALS • "Honestly, the best massage I’ve had. And I’m having a massage at least once per month since years. Xica is very thoughtful and has incredible caring energy. Her massage was totally matching what I needed: very caring, but firm and incredibly relaxing." "Very professional and deep work. The Professional gets to know you first and responds carefully to your needs. For those who are sensitive to energy work, you can clearly feel a focused flow emitting throught the touched zones. It’s really something special." “Best massage I've had while in Berlin! I highly recommend Xica to anyone who is tight, stiff or in pain. Xica feels the room with positive energy and from the moment you meet her you can feel the healing vibes. She asks what areas are.ehurting or if you have injuries. Also, she takes care during the whole massage process to make sure pressure is good and that you are comfortable. I came in very stiff and in some pain and left feeling so much better. I can't recommend her enough!” Find more testimonials here:
Monday: 16:00 - 19:30 Tuesday: 16:00 - 19:30 Thursday: 16:00 - 19:30 Friday: 11:00 - 12:30 Friday: 17:00 - 18:30 Saturday: 13:00 - 14:30 Sunday: 13:00 - 18:00
Dieser Standort ist Teil des Plus-Angebots: L-Mitglieder können standortübergreifend bis zu 4 Mal pro Monat für eine Plus-Aktivität einchecken. Zusätzlich gelten unten stehende Besuchslimits für diesen Standort. XL-Mitglieder können standortübergreifend bis zu 8 Mal pro Monat für eine Plus-Aktivität einchecken. Zusätzlich gelten unten stehende Besuchslimits für diesen Standort L-Mitglieder können standortübergreifend und im Rahmen ihrer Plus Check-ins ein Mal pro Monat einen 30-minütigen Massagetermin vereinbaren. XL-Mitglieder können standortübergreifend und im Rahmen ihrer Plus Check-ins 2 Mal pro Monat einen 30-minütigen Massagetermin vereinbaren. Die Massageeinheiten können nicht miteinander kombiniert werden.
(DE unten) Bookings only via msg (no calls please!) Only massages with surcharge atm. Check YOUR OPTIONS, SURCHARGES and HOW TO BOOK in the venue profile. Appointments need to be booked BY MESSAGE (no calls please) at latest the previous day. Please check the massage options and opening times and send me a message via or with: - your name & membership number - massage option & length - desired time slot(s) I will write you back with availability and will send you a msg of confirmation with all details you need. Please note that you are booking an individual appointment with a practitioner and mind to only request appointments that you know you can attend. If you are unable to keep your appointment, please cancel it BY MESSAGE at latest 24 hours beforehand. Otherwise, the visit will be deducted from your monthly visit limit and billed in full. At the moment I have no capacity for 30min TRIAL MASSAGES. Eventual open slots and special discounts will be posted in the Telegram Channel. The special events related to massage I eventually offer will be also shared there, so you can know as soon as launched and book in advance. There is no chat and no one can see you there: Termine müssen spätestens am Vortag per NACHRICHT gebucht werden (bitte keine Anrufe). Um deinen Termin zu buchen prüfe bitte die Massageoptionen und Öffnungszeiten und schicke mir eine Nachricht über oder mit: - deinem Namen und deiner Mitgliedsnummer - Massageoption & Dauer - gewünschte(s) Zeitfenster Ich schreibe dir zurück mit der Verfügbarkeit und schicke dir eine Bestätigungsnachricht mit allen Details, die du benötigst. Bitte beachte, dass du einen individuellen Termin bei einer Therapeutin buchst und anfrage nur Termine, von denen du weißt, dass du wahrnehmen kannst. Wenn du deinen Termin nicht mehr wahrnehmen kannst, sagst bitte spätestens 24 Stunden vorher per Nachricht ab. Andernfalls wird der Besuch von deinem monatlichen Besuchslimit abgezogen und in Rechnung gestellt. Ich habe momentan keine Kapazität für 30 Minuten trial massages. Eventuell offene Slots und Angeboten werden im Telegrammkanal veröffentlicht. Besonderen Veranstaltungen im Zusammenhang mit Massage, die ich eventuell anbiete, werden auch dort geteilt. Es gibt keinen Chat und niemand kann dich dort sehen: .