Pole Flow Berlin

Danza, Fitness, Pole dance

Pole Dance in Neukölln Pole Flow Berlin was created with the intention of sharing the many physicals, as well as mental, benefits of pole dance to the public – allowing people from all sections of society, colors, ethnicity, gender and orientation to join and create a versatile and inclusive Pole Dance community. We believe that pole dance will transform your view about fitness, the relationship with your body and the limits of your spirit. In this unusual way of training, the physicality of our bodies is challenged in many surprising ways, and we discover that with regular training we can achieve what may have seemed at first completely impossible. At our Pole school, we try to encourage you to work with your body under its own conditions in a friendly, sustainable way. We encourage you to honor your body, be grateful for its hard work, acknowledge your progress but also know when to give yourself a break. Most of all, be kind to yourself, just like you are kind to others!

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Horario de apertura:

The opening hours depend on the course times.

Límite de visitas:

M-Mitglieder können 4 Mal pro Monat an den Kursen der Sportkategorie "Dancing" von Pole Flow Berlin teilnehmen, alle anderen Kurse sind für M-Mitglieder nicht inkludiert. L-Mitglieder können 8 Mal pro Monat an den Kursen von Pole Flow Berlin teilnehmen XL-Mitglieder können 8 Mal pro Monat an den Kursen von Pole Flow Berlin teilnehmen Pole Flow Berlin bietet außerdem live-online Kurse an. Gehe dazu auf das Live-online Profil von Online - Pole Flow Berlin: https://urbansportsclub.com/en/venues/online-pole-flow-berlin

Información importante:

How to find the studio? If you come with S-Bahn, you go down to S-Sonnenalle, then go across the bridge and left onto Ziegrastraße. Walk straight until Ziegrastr. 11 (NOT 13!), then turn right. You should also find a small sign directing to ”Pole Flow Berlin”. Our building is after about 150 m (you will also find a sign to our studio on the front of the building). There go up the 1. floor, and we’re right there from the left side!

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