Online - Soul Sportstudio

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Bem-estar, Dança, Fitness, Meditação, Pilates, Qi Gong e Tai Chi, Treinos Funcionais, Yoga

Massage, Pilates & Yoga in Friedrichshain Yoga, Pilates, Meditation, Fitness, Soundbath Welcome to SOUL Sportstudio, a modern movement space dedicated to your well-being and connection. Our goal is to inspire and empower you through the transformative power of movement, mindfulness, and relaxation. Wherever you are, we're here to support your holistic health journey online. Our studio is here for you from 6:30 AM to 10:30 PM, offering a wide range of online classes to suit every schedule—perfect for early birds and night owls alike. Experience a diverse range of classes designed to nurture your mental and physical health. Every day, we offer live sessions in both German and English, including Yoga flows, Yin Yoga for restful sleep, Face Yoga, Pilates, and deeply restorative meditation practices. Join us and discover your path to balance and relaxation.

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Limites de Visita:

S-Mitglieder können bis zu 4 Mal pro Monat an Live-Online Kursen teilnehmen. M-, L- und XL-Mitglieder können bis zu 8 Mal pro Monat an Live-Online Kursen teilnehmen. Du möchtest an den Vor-Ort Kursen von SoulSport teilnehmen? Wechsel hierzu bitte zu dem jeweiligen Standort-Profil

Informação Importante:

To access our live online classes, please register via the link in your email or directly through the Urban Sports Club app

Agora a partir de 24,00 €

    15:30 — 16:15

    Essential Classic Premium Max

    16:30 — 17:00

    Essential Classic Premium Max

    17:30 — 18:15

    Essential Classic Premium Max

    18:30 — 19:15

    Essential Classic Premium Max

    19:30 — 20:15

    Essential Classic Premium Max

    20:30 — 21:15

    Essential Classic Premium Max

    21:15 — 21:30

    Essential Classic Premium Max

    21:30 — 22:00

    Essential Classic Premium Max

    22:00 — 22:15

    Essential Classic Premium Max

    22:15 — 22:40

    Essential Classic Premium Max

    22:40 — 22:55

    Essential Classic Premium Max

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