Urban Sports Club has tons of massage partners across Europe.
There’s no need to spend all your money on a massage - this wellness treatment is included in your Urban Sports Club membership.
Whether you prefer Thai, classic, sports or Ayurvedic massage, there’s no better way to relax and unwind from a stressful day. Urban Sports Club has a wide range of diverse and professional massage partners, just take a look at our app to find a partner near you.
Elke Sprafke - Heilpraktikerin Massagen
Belgisches Viertel, Ehrenstraße 45-47
Premium Max
Natura Initia - Frauenmassage & Reiki
Sülz, Sülzburgstraße 215
Premium Max
Shaktiyoga - Massage & Kryotherapie
Sülz, Sülzburgstraße 104-106
Premium Max
Ganzheitliche, Massage Praxis - Jacques Minas
Widdersdorf, Neue Sandkaul 7
Premium Max
Innenstadt, Kyffhäuserstr. 37
Classic Premium Max
Coach Hightower Massage - Checkpoint PT Studio
Marsdorf, Max-Planck-Straße 4a
Premium Max
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