Phoenix A.D.A. Martial Arts

Artes Marciais Mistas, Artes Marciais Orientais Tradicionais, Desportos de Combate, Luta Livre, Qi Gong e Tai Chi

Welcome to our partner Phoenix A.D.A. Martial Arts ! A word from the partner 📣 : The Phoenix ADA team shares its experience with you in a friendly atmosphere to help you develop not only your self-confidence, but also your physical condition. Amenities available 🚿 : Cloakroom and shower. We 🖤 : Friendly and family atmosphere !

Horários de Abertura:

Les heures d'ouverture dépendent des horaires des cours / des rendez-vous convenus ou ne sont pas connues. Vous trouverez plus d'informations sur le site Web du partenaire.

Limites de Visita:

Subscription S : 4/month Subscription M, L & XL : 8/month

Informação Importante:

Book your class directly via the Urban Sports Club app! For studio classes: please note that this booking is binding on you and that you must respect the cancellation deadline indicated at the time of booking. If you do not cancel within this time, the lesson will be deducted from your subscription. You must register using the QR-Code before taking part in the class.

Agora a partir de 33,00 €

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