Fitter & Fitter - Parc du Cinquantenaire

Corrida, Treino Militar

Welcome to Fitter & Fitter. A word from the partner 📣 : The goal of the coaches is to make you, your friends, or your colleagues fitter and make you enjoy sports. Strengthen your core with functional movements. Combine high intensity with fun. Burn a lot of calories and lose weight. Train smarter & move smarter. Equipment available 🏋️‍♂️ : everything you need for an effective training. We 🖤 : Their two main disciplines 1. Unique running training, with technique and strength. Become a faster, stronger and injury free runner. 2. Bootcamp, the perfect combination of endurance, strength, agility and speed. It is a complete workout for your entire body.

Outros locais:


Horários de Abertura:

Ce partenaire est ouvert et propose des activités dans le respect des règles sanitaires. Réservez dès maintenant !

Limites de Visita:

Subscription M: 4/month Subscription L & XL: 8/month

Informação Importante:

Please book your class via [email protected]. Please be sure to include your Urban Sports Club membership number.

Agora a partir de 33,00 €

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