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Skating in Berlin Certified inline skating teacher with more than 20 years experience on wheels.

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Limites de Visita:

S-Mitglieder können im Rahmen ihres Kontingents von 4 Mal im Monat auch Berlinliner besuchen. M-Mitglieder können 4 Mal pro Monat Berlinliner besuchen. L & XL-Mitglieder können 8 Mal pro Monat Berlinliner besuchen.

Informação Importante:

.Inline skating, like any other action sport, involves inherent risks. Regardless of your skill level, I strongly recommend using protective equipment, especially helmets. However, accidents can still occur. Please take responsibility for your actions and ensure that you are aware of your insurance coverage.

Agora a partir de 24,00 €

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